"Labour and delivery at UHW"

About: University Hospital Wishaw / Maternity Care (Wards 21-24)

(as a service user),

Attended maternity triage for assessment at the start of my labour and was met with the most amazing team who were so kind and reassuring. Got transferred to AMU and looked after so well by all the staff on the unit but particularly our midwife Melissa who was an absolute angel and guided me through my labour listening to all my preferences and making me feel so heard and advocated for with any choices to be made. We delivered a healthy baby boy just at the end of her shift and we honestly would not have got through it without her guidance and knowledge!! Every midwife, student and staff member we came across were amazing and I really hope this is commended at a time of great stress on the NHS; their kindness and patience never faltered. 

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Response from Jennifer Montgomery, Improvement Coordinator, Quality Directorate, NHS Lanarkshire 14 months ago
Jennifer Montgomery
Improvement Coordinator, Quality Directorate,
NHS Lanarkshire

Operational Lead for Care Opinion in NHS Lanarkshire

Submitted on 23/10/2023 at 16:28
Published on Care Opinion at 16:28

picture of Jennifer Montgomery

Dear Ellie1410,

Firstly, congratulations on the birth of your baby boy! I hope you are all settling well into family life at home.

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience in University Hospital Wishaw, Maternity Care.

I am delighted to share your positive feedback and lovely words with Melissa and the whole team. I am sure that this will give the whole team a real boost in such busy times. I am delighted to hear that you felt heard and that Melissa advocated for your choices during your birth resulting in it being a wonderfully positive experience.

I wish you and your family all the best for your future.

Kind Regards,


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