Support - Using Care Opinion


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We aim to make Care Opinion easy to use - but sometimes, you may need a little help or advice. Whether you are new to Care Opinion and need to know how to get started or an experienced user of the site who needs some support. 

Here are some options:

Getting started

Are you new to Care Opinion? Want to know the basics of how to log in, understand a little more about your subscription and also read the answers to our Frequently asked questions?

Watch a recorded webinar introducing Care Opinion

Existing user

You may have been using Care Opinion for a while but still need some help & support. Here are some options:

Know how pages for using the Care Opinion website

The 'know-how' pages help you use the Care Opinion website to it's full potential. Including; setting up alerts, reports and managing your members. Click the link above to access the know-how pages.

Training and support webinars

Click the above link if you would like to register for or watch a recording of any of the training and support webinars, which we call our 'How to...' sessions. We run sessions on how to generate stories, how to respond to stories, show you have learnt and made a change and help you find out what make a good response.

Promoting Care Opinion 

Find out how to promote Care Opinion and ask for feedback within your organisation. Click the link above to find out more.

Blog posts and help pages   

Our blog posts and help pages are full of information and ideas which anyone can use.

Use the links on this page to explore the help available, or try a search.

Our technical blog describes new features as we add them.
