"Communication around delays"

About: Maternity care / Antenatal Clinic (Anderson House)

(as a service user),

Antenatal clinic was running several hours behind.

It is on some level completely understandable that so many factors and variables influence why a clinic runs behind and it usually is not avoidable. However when you have a room of ladies ranging from second to third trimester waiting hours it understandably is frustrating and uncomfortable.
Anderson house is separate from the main hospital. There is no access to a  water fountain or a vending machine, and no option of being able to leave/come back. 
If a clinic is running several hours behind that should be communicated to the women when checking in. I was advised nothing more than they are a tiny bit behind I was in no way expecting a few hours. As mentioned earlier,  running behind may be unavoidable but there needs to be discussions around improving the conditions for those waiting and communication. 
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Response from Claire Graham, Community Midwife Team Leader, Women & Children, WHSCT 2 days ago
Claire Graham
Community Midwife Team Leader, Women & Children,
Submitted on 16/01/2025 at 17:30
Published on Care Opinion at 17:30

Thank you quebeccq43 for taking the time to share your experience when attending your appointment in Anderson House. Apologies for the delay you experienced and I totally understand how frustrating and uncomfortable this can be. If you wish to contact me with further details I can then endeavour to look at how we can improve services. I will also share your feedback with the Medical Staff and Midwives in Anderson House

Best Wishes

Claire Graham

Community Midwife Team Leader


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