"A lack of joined up care for my sister in law"

About: Sheffield / Sheffield Social Services Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

(as a relative),

This is about the care of my sister in law who is 83, diabetic on Insulin and has diabetes.

There has been a failure in joined up care and consideration of her care needs, specifically how her Alzheimers impacts on the management of her diabetic condition and her social care needs.

Readmission to hospital by the GP after 4 days due to a deterioration in her diabetic status.

Last year I reported concerns about her status when she was admitted with a very high Potassium level and raised Creatinine levels and the limited support from Active recovery Services after discharge but did not pursue it because of the distress caused to family.

However one year on I feel these issue need addressing.

The problems are not exclusive to either Primary or Secondary Health Care and include Social Care services and care planning for a frail elderly lady with complex needs. .

I am asking for help and advice on behalf of the patient and we her family who are struggling to cope with the situation and ask only for a comprehensive multi disciplinary review of her health and social care needs and one where we can be supported to manage and be assured of her care at home.

I feel very strongly that her Alzheimers is in fact impacting on professional decisions made re her long term care needs and agency responsibility. It has been established that she lacks capacity, her daughter has enduring power of attorney but aside of all of this ill informed health care professionals appear to be judgemental toward us as a family but are disregarding our concerns.

I have asked for a Best Interest Meeting where we can be assured of an informed multi professional discussion and assessment of her needs and where there is an outcome that aims to address what is a complex and very sensitive situation.

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Response from Deborah Hopkinson, Patient Experience Co-ordinator, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 8 years ago
Deborah Hopkinson
Patient Experience Co-ordinator,
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 15/03/2016 at 16:10
Published on Care Opinion on 16/03/2016 at 16:38

I am very sorry to hear of the issues that you have raised and would urge you to provide further details so that we can respond to you personally. Please can you contact our Patient Services Team on telephone number 0114 271 2400 or by emailing pst@sth.nhs.uk and the team will be happy to assist you.

Kind regards.

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Update posted by A disappointed relative (a relative)

Thank you I am in touch with PST and my complaint re the patient journey via NGH is hopefully being considered. I await contact from Primary Care and advice from the CCG.

Response from Sarah Neil, Quality Manager for Patient Experience, NHS Sheffield ICB 8 years ago
Sarah Neil
Quality Manager for Patient Experience,
NHS Sheffield ICB
Submitted on 11/04/2016 at 16:12
Published on Care Opinion at 16:24

Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to your post. I was very sorry to read about the problems that you and your sister-in-law are experiencing. Sarah Burt, Head of Commissioning (Active Ageing, Cancer, End of Life Care & Long Term Conditions) at NHS Sheffield CCG has read your post and would like to talk to you to find out more about your experiences so that we can follow up on your story and use your feedback to improve services in Sheffield.

If you are willing to provide us with more information please could you contact our Quality Team Assistant, Daneele, by phone (0114 3051307) or email (sheccg.complaints@nhs.net). Daneele will put you in touch with Sarah Burt.

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