Engagement across the dementia and diabetes networks is beginning to see some interesting developments and issues starting to emerge. Here are couple of snapshots for consideration and for comment.
Firstly feedback from a diabetes patient who attends Kings College but still is active in her local area to promote good care. She has commented that whilst she used to enjoy excellent care at Queen Mary’s and now at Kings when she has attended hospital, she also has concerns about local arrangements. The feeling is that since the move to CCGs, there has been less engagement with local patient groups and changes have been proposed without the necessary consultations with the all important patients and carers. For example it was the patients and solitary GP who flagged up the worries that many others held, about the transfer of Type 1 diabetes patients away from specialists and into primary care.
Secondly, and more encouragingly, some really positive steps at Springfield Hospital to improve the inpatient environment for dementia patients and their families on a couple of the wards. So after feedback and consultations, the entrances to the wards are being altered to provide more privacy and dignity for all the inpatients and ensure only the professionals who need to be there, encroach on the lounge areas. This will hopefully have a really positive impact for the patients and also visiting family members, as well as giving nursing staff a more relaxed environment to care for their patients. What is striking here is that, there isn't much flexibility in terms of space to work with on this ward, but a lot of people have worked hard to come up with an imaginative solution.
Please do comment and feedback about these developments.
Developments in Services
Developments in Services https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/3043e34d-5d89-43fe-ae32-5c86de1cac50.jpeg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from HIN South London
Posted by Tim Hunt, HIN South London, on
Thanks for your feedback.