Who has Patient Opinion alerted?

Update from Subscriber Support Team

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picture of Sarah Ashurst

Did you know you can see who in your subscription Patient Opinion has alerted about a particular story?

We also show you; when we alerted them, if and when they read it, and who has responded.

You access this information by clicking the Who has Patient Opinion told about this story? link in the Activity box on the right hand side of any story.

We created a handy Gif to show you how :) 

who did Patient Opinion alert about this story?

Top tip: If the gif is a little small, press ctrl and + to zoom in (ctrl and 0 takes you back to normal)

After you have clicked Who has Patient Opinion told about this story? you can hover over member names to see the date and time they received the alert and by hovering over the green ticks you can see when they read the story and when they responded.

Still stuck? email us at subscriber.support@patientopinion.org.uk for help

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