"Lack of organisation"

About: Lincoln County Hospital / Gynaecology

(as the patient),

I attended my operation date after being on a list for 16 months, arriving at 7.30 am, to then be told after 4 hours that it was cancelled due to staff sickness, was so disappointing. 

I had everything in place to be looked after once I arrived home. Friends and family had even sent good wishes cards not realising everything was cancelled which I found very embarrassing!

To conclude the Staff I had met in the 4 hours of my attendance were very caring, leaving me with one conclusion - that there is lack of organisation at another level beyond their control in the hospital.

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Response from Karen Bird, Ward Sister, Branston Ward, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust 6 months ago
Karen Bird
Ward Sister, Branston Ward,
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Submitted on 18/06/2024 at 14:47
Published on Care Opinion at 14:47

Dear status bw96,

My sincere apologies for the cancellation of your operation on the day. I have escalated my concerned in relation to your cancellation to both the Business unit and my Matron. Unfortunately the cancellations were due to staff absences in the theatre department. I can understand this is extremely distressing when you have waited for so long. I apologise for the distress that this has caused to you and your family and advise that you should receive a new date shortly. If I can assist any further please let me know, once again my apologies for your experience.

Best wishes

Karen Bird

Branston Ward Sister

01522 573132

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