"Terrible day care service"

About: Lincoln County Hospital / General surgery

(as a service user),

I got to the daycare operation department on time at 7am on the day of my procedure and spent the whole day waiting without any update on what sort of time anything was going to happen. At 4.30 pm i was taken down for the procedure and by 5 pm was given a general anaesthetic. I was finally back on the ward by 8pm.

On the ward, all they seemed bothered with was for me to go to the toilet and so they could discharge me. I was offered some uneatable soggy wet toast and a cup of tea. I said I was still in pain and couldn’t eat the toast as it was absolutely disgusting. I was offered a biscuit as they said there was nothing else. As for the pain relief I never got anything.

I was asked if I had been to the toilet at 10pm and as I had they said I could go which I did, this was at 10.30. Two hours after coming around from a general anaesthetic not a spinal. I was walked to the main entrance and left there for someone to come and get me. I had over an hour’s wait so I told the nurse to go back to the ward so she could do her duty rather than hang around with me. So basically I left tired hungry and in pain and ended up sleeping in my car as all they wanted was me out the bed so it was ready for the next day. 

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Response from Colette King, Sister, Surgical Admissions Lounge, LCH, SAL, ULHT 6 months ago
Colette King
Sister, Surgical Admissions Lounge, LCH, SAL,
Submitted on 12/07/2024 at 09:44
Published on Care Opinion at 09:48

Good morning

I am sorry that you felt you had a terrible experience on your admission to hospital.

All patients are asked to arrive at 07:00 so that they can have their admission paperwork completed and to be seen by their relative surgeon's & anaesthetists so that the operating lists can start on time. Unfortunately this sometimes results in patients waiting until late afternoon before they go to theatre.

We regularly carry out checks on the waiting room to ask if patients are ok, and if not to escalate to the Nurse in charge. Nothing was escalated to myself.

All daycase patients are offered toast/biscuits following surgery and tea/coffee. It is practice that most patients are discharged after a minimum 2 hours following a general anaesthetic.

I am very sorry that you felt your discharge was rushed and this is certainly not the expected standard of care we would wish for any patient. I will feed back to the team.

If you would like me to contact you to discuss this further I am more than happy to do so.

Kind Regards

Colette King



Lincoln County Hospital

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