"Pharmacy staff lack basic knowledge"

About: Chase Farm Hospital

Pharmacy staff at chase farm hospital made a basic error which indicates they are poorly equipped for the role. I politely highlighted the error as it needed it to be rectified but I was quite shocked at their behaviour which followed. They became defensive and rude and said things to me that were completely untrue. They blamed me by saying I had given them the wrong information and that is why they had made the error. This was quite insulting as I had not given the wrong information and clearly they were trying to cover up their mistake. It was unprofessional how they were trying to embarrass me in front of a room full of people. I would have been quite happy with a simple apology but instead I received a barrage of mistruths which I found personally insulting. It was quite clear to me that the pharmacy staff at chase farm hospital are poorly trained, not only did they display a lack of basic pharmacological knowledge but they also did not have the basic fundamentals of customer service. I would have been quite happy with a simple apology but instead received a barrage of mistruths which I found personally insulting. The hospital management should be very concerned about the negative culture within that department.

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Response from Chase Farm Hospital last week
Chase Farm Hospital
Submitted on 24/12/2024 at 17:57
Published on nhs.uk at 17:57

Hi Anonymous

I am sorry that this is what you experienced when you visited our Outpatient pharmacy. Please contact me or a member of the patient experience team at rf.cfhpeg@nhs.net or on 0208 375 1328 so we can get some more information to fully look into this.

Garnett, patient experience manager.

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