"stopping Wednesday's pop in and play"

About: Chilwell Children's Centre

(as a service user),

This is a government funded centre and great for a mix of ages. I have met some amazing parents through this session and for them to say it will be a a 'training day' is disgraceful. This session is only 1. 5 hours out of a day not like it's all day. They have a baby group on a Friday which is for non walkers and singing group on Thursday. Where this Wednesday group you can bring baby and toddler and the time we are there we are supervising our children's so on days we are borrowing the room if you like. My son absolutely loves coming here, the facilities are great and would be a shame to close.

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Response from Tina Hancock, Service Manager, Children and Young People's Services (0-19), Community Health Division 7 years ago
Tina Hancock
Service Manager, Children and Young People's Services (0-19),
Community Health Division
Submitted on 22/09/2017 at 16:36
Published on Care Opinion at 17:38

Dear Hans146

Thank you for taking the time to post your comments on this forum, we really appreciate all feedback and we use this to help us develop and improve all the services we provide.

Thank you


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