"It gave me something to look forward to each week"

About: Chilwell Children's Centre

(as a service user),

I've been using the children's centre since my daughter was 4 weeks old, I struggle to make friends and so meeting people here and having a support network felt good. It gave me something to look forward to each week.

My daughter doesn't go to nursery so this is her only way of socialising with other children and for her to miss out on it I think would give her a big disadvantage in later life as she will not be able to develop the social skills that other children her age are acquiring.

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Response from Tina Hancock, Service Manager, Children and Young People's Services (0-19), Community Health Division 7 years ago
Tina Hancock
Service Manager, Children and Young People's Services (0-19),
Community Health Division
Submitted on 22/09/2017 at 12:19
Published on Care Opinion at 12:20

Dear Beans87,

Thank you for taking the time to post your comments on this forum, we really appreciate all feedback and we use this to help us develop and improve all the services we provide.

It is always great to hear from parents who have benefitted from using Children's Centre Services

Thank you again for your comments


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