"Behavioural and emotional support"

About: Chilwell Children's Centre

(as a service user),

Requested support from   sure start to help with my daughters behaviour and how to better emotionally support her. Teresa started seeing her at school and myself at home, through this I realised it wasn't just issues with my daughter's behaviour but my own also!

Teresa has shown me a different way of looking at my daughter's behaviour and her reasons for being this way which has changed how I react in situations which has resulted in me being in control and coping with and resolving issues

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Tina Hancock, Service Manager, Children and Young People's Services (0-19), Community Health Division 6 years ago
Tina Hancock
Service Manager, Children and Young People's Services (0-19),
Community Health Division
Submitted on 13/04/2018 at 16:34
Published on Care Opinion at 16:37

Dear decemberzs46

Thank you for taking the time to post your comments on this forum, we value and appreciate all feedback and this helps us to deliver the right services to families.

It is good to hear that you and your daughter have both benefitted from the advice given by Teresa and that you have a good outcome.

Staff at the Children's Centre are very skilled and knowledgable around support for behaviour management and are always happy and ready to help

Thank you again


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