"End of Thursday morning Toddler Time"

About: Chilwell Children's Centre

(as a service user),

We have just been informed that, come September, it is likely that the Toddler Time session on Thursday mornings will be coming to an end. Whilst i understand the reason that changes are being made throughout the whole centre, I am extremely disappointed (as are all the Parents/Grandparents that regularly attend the session) that this is one of the session that will be cut. All of us at some point attended the old Wednesday morning pop in and play, and it really isn't the same. 

For me and my daughter the Thursday am session is perfect. Not only logistically but because it is such a pleasant, calm atmosphere. My daughter is cared for by Grandparents while i work and therefore doesn't attend nursery. This is the main session she attends during the week that gives her a chance to be sociable with other children. She is extremely shy and other toddlers groups i have attended with her are far too busy and chaotic and she just doesn't like them. When you started running this session it was a god send. As i said it is such a calm, pleasant environment. It is somewhere she is familiar with as we have been attending the centre since she was 6 weeks old. She has thrived since we have been attending TT. Her confidence has grown remarkably and her social skills are clearly developing. 

On paper i appreciate that by having a Wednesday session it appears that you are still catering for the Thursday group but many of us work Wednesdays or due to past experience with that session wouldn't attend. 

If you are still within the planning stages, then please please reconsider, ending this wonderful session. I'm sad to think that this might be the end of my journey with the Children's centre. 

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Response from Tina Hancock, Service Manager, Children and Young People's Services (0-19), Community Health Division 6 years ago
We are preparing to make a change
Tina Hancock
Service Manager, Children and Young People's Services (0-19),
Community Health Division
Submitted on 09/07/2018 at 12:26
Published on Care Opinion at 14:02

Dear SB Mum,

Thank you for taking the time to post your comments on this forum, we appreciate all feedback and use this to help us plan and deliver services.

Over the summer the Children's Centre will be refreshing their timetable so we can expand our services in light of the new core offer. This has meant we have needed to merge some activities so we can provide even more services to the local community. The Children's Centre is looking to provide a stay and play session for children 0-5 years and also consider other toddler groups in the area that we will continue to support. We are currently reviewing all the services on offer in the local area and we aim to provide a session to compliment the current activities in the area.

We do hope that we can continue to support you and your family in the future either directly through our support delivered at the centre or by signposting you other providers who are delivering quality play sessions locally.

Please do get intouch with us if you require any further information.

Thank you


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