"AMU nurse with disgusting attitude"

About: East Surrey Hospital

I just visited my dad in AMU (acute medical unit) for the first time this evening at 19.20. Not knowing my dad’s whereabouts yet, I approached a nurse writing her notes at the AMU reception desk. She had her back/side to me and I cheerily said “hello”, as you do, and her response, or non-response as the case may be, was to remain facing away from me and ‘say’ “mmmmmm- hmmmmm” as if she were a waitress in an American diner and I was a worthless customer there to order some fries. She offered me no respect or recognition that I was a concerned person here to visit a loved one. I said to her “you could at least say hello instead of just making a noise at me”. She looked at me with a smirk and attitude all over her face, as if to say, “I really could not care for you”. She then proceeded to point me in the incorrect direction and walked away. She could have not been more rude or unhelpful. I told the other 2 members of staff who witnessed this that her behaviour was disgusting and someone should have a word with her. If that is the way she speaks to visitors, I hate to think how she speaks and ‘cares’ for her vulnerable patients. Members of staff like her a contributing factor to why the NHS gets a bad name. Disgraceful!

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Response from Ben Mearns, Chief of Medicine, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 5 years ago
Ben Mearns
Chief of Medicine,
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust


Submitted on 01/07/2019 at 20:47
Published on Care Opinion on 02/07/2019 at 09:16

picture of Ben Mearns

I am so sorry to hear about this and it is certainly not the values and behaviour that we expect on AMU and throughout the hospital. I will work with our Divisional Chief Nurse to investigate this and I hope that when you visit next time you see the very best of us.

If you would like to send me any further details please do let me know on ben.mearns@nhs.net


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Response from Paula Tucker, Deputy Chief Nurse, Trust, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 5 years ago
Paula Tucker
Deputy Chief Nurse, Trust,
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Submitted on 02/07/2019 at 13:47
Published on Care Opinion at 13:47

I am really disappointed to hear of your experience and this does not fulfill the expectations of that we have in the Trust around behaviors. Please accept my apologies. I am really happy to look further into your concerns; if you wish to email me on nicola.shopland@nhs.net with further information please do.

best wishes

Nicola Shopland

Divisional chief Nurse Medicine

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