L’amour, L’amour, L’amour all you lovely people, a special little gift to open today;
February for January 24 - PK HSCP Care Opinion News.pdf
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Feedback is great
Care Opinion loves you
L’amour toujours
L’amour https://careopinionuk-staging.azurewebsites.net/resources/blog-resources/0-images/be9fcaae7481423b875cc4801fcfd2fd.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Perth and Kinross Health & Social Care Partnership
Posted by Geraldine Knight, Care Opinion Engagement Worker, P&K HSCP, on
Thanks for your feedback.