"Date mix-up but brilliant staff"

About: Lincoln County Hospital / Gynaecology

(as a service user),

I had a phone call to book my appointment. I asked the lady to message me with it as I had no pen handy.

When I went for the appointment I was told I wasn't down for that day but for 5 days later. I showed my text message as proof.  The lovely ladies in the clinic looked and called to find put what happened, turns out it was for the 18th but they had sent the date of the 13th.

After a brief wait to sort this out I was seen by a lovely lady called Stephanie. She apologised for the mix up but said she would still see me as it wasn't my fault and I'd travelled a distance.

She explained what was going to happen in the procedure and reassured me throughout. There was also Debbie and Janet helping.

After the initial misunderstanding the appointment went really well, with the three brilliant ladies by my side I was quiet relaxed (although it was very uncomfortable) and chatted to them all through the procedure.

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Response from Tanya Wilson, Sister, Outpatients Gynaecology Trustwide, United Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust last month
Tanya Wilson
Sister, Outpatients Gynaecology Trustwide,
United Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Submitted on 27/11/2024 at 11:07
Published on Care Opinion at 11:07

Dear Sharon1968

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this feedback for our team following your recent visit to Gynaecology outpatients at Pilgrim Hospital. I am sorry to hear that you were given the wrong date for your appointment. It is lovely to hear that the staff were able to resolve this issue for you and your appointment went ahead as planned. I will share your kind words with the whole team and especially with those who you have taken the time to name personally.

Kind regards

Tanya Wilson

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